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Sustainable Landscapes

The diet & living conditions of lambs makes them a naturally efficient, environmentally friendly source of food that we can all benefit from.

Preserving our lambscapes

Lambs thrive off the UK’s mild climate and varied terrain. With so much sheep farming taking place among Britain’s steep, striking hills and deep valleys, it means that crop production can continue to prosper on gentler areas of land. The grazing of the uplands keeps the landscape looking wonderful, prevents pastures being abandoned to neglect and produces food from an area where crops don’t grow.

Sheep farming also keeps our soil and fields healthy by helping them to absorb carbon from the atmosphere. It also protects the soil from flooding and rapidly reduces the risk of fire spread in summer.


Developing the rural economy

Sheep farming also brings significant socio-economic benefits to rural areas. Farmers who diligently tend to their flocks provide vital employment and help build local communities. hair loss treatment. Through rearing lambs, we preserve a whole culture of landscaping and traditional produce.


Enabling biodiversity

Our lambs & sheep don’t just visually add to our landscapes and the abundance of wildlife that lives within them. Our sheep actually play a pivotal role in ensuring that both our environment and the life that thrives off it are able to prosper.

By grazing on a raw and natural grass diet, lambs are able to obtain most of their required nutritional intake whilst also preventing our grasslands from overgrowing and spiraling out of control. Without sheep farming, abandoned pastures would over time turn to forests and the countryside would become inaccessible.

Of course, the lambs can’t do it all on their own. Our sheep farmers also play an important role in protecting the biodiversity of our landscapes by maintaining field margins, hedges, copses, thickets, ditches and walls that allow for the development of rich eco-systems. These ecosystems are home to a wide variety of plant life, insects and small creatures.



When you make a choice, you also choose all the consequences. To make a choice it is always better to know the two sides of a story. We complied some information that could be useful to #MeatTheFacts.

The 2019 European elections have put topics such as animal welfare and livestock farming at the top of public agenda. Farmers, as well as all the professionals of the sector, are facing a growing amount of misinformation without always having the possibility and/or the capacity to reply. This situation has to change. We are convinced that livestock, under all its forms, has brought, and will continue to bring, many benefits to Europe while constantly improving its practices.

European Livestock Voice is a multi-stakeholder group of like-minded EU partners in the livestock food chain that decided to unite to bring back a balanced debate around a sector that is playing such an essential role in Europe’s rich heritage and future. The associations which represent sectors ranging from animal health to feed, to breeding and animal farming and farmers, aim to inform the public about the social value of livestock production and its contribution to global challenges, offering another perspective in the ongoing debates.